Click the button below to see "Red Thistle" framed . Wizards of old sometimes used Thistle stalks for walking sticks and wands for directing energy. Healing Inspired. y0=today.getFullYear(); The thistle was an emblem of the Virgin Mary in the Middle Ages because its white sap brought to mind the milk falling from the breast of the Mother of God and was combined with the Cross of Lorraine by the Duke as a Christian symbol. Therefore, ingredients in indole-3-carbinol/calcium/Schizandra/vitamin D3/milk thistle/stinging nettle/lignan-based nutritional capsule may alter estrogen balance and may protect against mammary carcinogenesis. would steam and steep thistles in boiling water in order to survive. There are more than 200 types of thistles and the Scottish thistle is the most common. //-->,