Hi! The spores should be sprinkled on top of the planting mix. It’s very difficult to tell you anything about plant disease/infestations without seeing the plant! There is no need to cut off browning leaves, it’s a purely aesthetic matter. Do you see any signs of rot in the rhizome? You can grow new plants from spores, but it’s a much slower process. Normally a green thumb with happy healthy house plants, I have struggled with my Blue Star ever since I brought her home last year. Umschreibung Standort Temperatur Pflege Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein Stern: der stahlblaue Farne, Phlebodium “Blue Star”! Repot in the springtime so the plant has time to recover. 20 degrees celcius or fahrenheit? The 'blue star' cultivar grows well in partial shade. Good luck, I hope you manage to free your fern! Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things Parce que cette plante adapte si facilement à différents climats, il est une plante qui est parfait pour mettre dans votre maison. Remove dead foliage that would otherwise attract pests and disease. Maintain consistently moist soil by watering thoroughly once the surface of the soil is dry. After having it for such a short time there really isn’t much to be said yet, just like you mention. Note: Blue star ferns don’t seem to appreciate water being poured directly into the heart (rhizome) of the plant. Hi! Eventually, all of the leaves just left the crown bald or with remnants of brown dead stems. . They’re in a loose but soily mix and they’ve always been meh, so I hope the switch to full-bark culture will encourage them. Keep your Blue Star well away from any infested plants. The Phlebodium Blue Star is easy to care for. I repotted mine around six months ago and it’s been growing like mad ever since until recently when it’s become exactly as you describe – browning old foliage and withering new. 100% virágzási garancia Friss termékek Speciális védőcsomagolás Rendeljen még ma! Ideal for low light, higgledy-piggledy, blue-green strappy fronds. Generally, they do best within about three feet of a window. New growth should appear in about a month. Is your tap water high in minerals or have you gone a long time without flushing the soil with distilled water? I notice all of the fronds are quite leggy, like there’s a solid 6″ or so before the leaves start and they really only have 3 “fingers” (kind of phallic looking, lol). You can also propagate ferns from spores but that’s more something you’d do for fun – they take ages to start growing. You can repot a thriving indoor houseplant anytime, but they still do respond to longer days and the higher moisture of the growing season. Since it is an epiphyte can I just remove it from the pot and attach it to wood via staghorn mounting tutorials? Make sure your cutting tools are sterile – wiping them with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol does the job. Wenn die Luft zu trocken ist, sieht man es an vertrockneten Blatträndern If the plant is that large, you could always see if you can divide it and then mount half and keep the other half in the pot. It’ll recover fine. Alternatively submerge the plant in a sink or bucket of water until all the air bubbles (old oxygen) have been It’s actually an epiphyte that naturally lives in a variety of arboreal and terrestrial settings. Phlebodium aureum Blue Star - Rabbit's Foot Fern - Bears Paw Fern - Indoor ‘seaweed’ look Green-Blue Leaves - Ideal indoor decorative plant - Adapts well to all environments. It being a west facing window I’m going to assume you’re positive it’s not sunburn, right? Can I for example split off one of the “feet” and simply plant that? , […] blue star fern caresheet has long been the most popular on Houseplant Central. This also goes for the three other ferns in the tiny Phlebodium genus. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets You … . Because the blue star fern naturally grows attached to trees and other plants in forests where a lot of light is blocked out by the tree canopies, it doesn’t require a lot of light, although it does appreciate it. The leaves slowly die, mostly starting from the outside tips. Do the roots look good to you? That’s difficult to tell on my own plants, let alone one that I can’t see! If repotting worked for you I may try it! Thoughts? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Blue Star Ferns can’t be pruned to promote specific growth, but trimming can maintain a certain size and shape. A balanced blend like 10-10-10 or one with a slightly higher nitrogen ratio works well. If your Blue Star Fern has pests, read this article to identify the bug and get further information about how to get rid of and prevent them. One question that keeps popping up about this […], Going for an orchid mix thanks to your article… for all my ferns. That being said, once a week is a good place to start: just water a little more during the growing season and a little less when the fern is not growing. Phlebodium Aureum Phlebodium Aureum Blue Star Fern £ 18.00 This fern is one of the four Phlebodium species, which originate from the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. my fern seems happy, but i was wondering how to encourage more ‘blue’ on my blue star fern? (I have the Cactus, Palm, and Citrus Miracle Gro) Thank you in advance! Overall, the leaves look much more alive and green, but some of the tips have dried out and turned brown since the move. I think it’s the soil mix. Proper watering helps make up the difference if the air moisture is less than an ideal 40% or more. If your Blue Star Fern has pests, read this article to identify the bug and get further information about how to get rid of and prevent them. Another one of my personal favorites would be the blue star fern, which doesn’t need sunlight and makes a great choice if you’re looking for something […]. Removing errant stems and dead or damaged foliage can conserve the plant’s energy for new growth, and help to prevent pests and diseases. Indoors, it stays green year-round in its preferred range of 57ºF (14ºC) to 81°F (27°C). If you run into pest trouble, isolate the plant to keep it from spreading further. If necessary, the plant can accept a porous potting mix that drains quickly and maintains aeration. If you don’t have any wood available you can also use a loose orchid mix like this one, as orchids are also epiphytic. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hi, glad I found you! You can only glean information about whether the light source is adequate or not from new fronds, not really old ones. I assume you Googled what these guys look like? The common way to propagate a Blue Star Fern is by dividing the rhizome. If you regularly mist the plant and the air in your home isn’t too dry, a location like the living room is also fine. If you bring home a thriving Blue Star Fern planted in potting soil, it’s usually best to leave things as they are. If the plant has adapted to soil, putting it in a lighter mix can shock its root system. Oof, leaf discoloring can have so many causes it’s a very difficult one to pinpoint! You see it on my plant at the top of this article as well, although that one is quite mature so the fronds have quite a few fingers each. From what I’m reading it sounds like new growth is a better assessment of how the plant is doing. They’ll eventually shed their older fronds as new ones grow in, though, so you won’t have to look at the non-blue leaves for ever. If you have any more questions about blue star fern care or want to share your own experiences with this lovely blue-green fern, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. If the plant isn’t exposed to direct sun and is kept lightly moist but not wet, I’d give it a little more time to see if it produces new fronds. Repotting is something of an ordeal for a Blue Star Fern, so don’t put the plant through the event until it’s necessary. Yes, you can just split off part of the rhizome with a few leaves attached. Peat can boost both of these factors, but use it in moderation as it holds too much water if used alone. It’s more likely to be shocked than stimulated. Can adapt to lower lighting, but won’t tolerate direct sunlight. The main thing, however, is to avoid is soggy soil. Blue star fern care | Phlebodium aureum May 30, 2016 Phlebodium aureum, commonly known as blue star fern, is an interesting looking fern with elongated fronds and a pleasant green-blue color. What do you think could be causing this and how do I help keep her healthy? I’m super excited about my blue star fern. Mother Nature’s way is much slower, but it can be done. I have my own blue star fern planted in loose bits of bark and wood and it’s growing like crazy. I’m ordering that orchid mix ASAP and now feel like I have a better idea of how to move forward. Water generously once you notice the pot drying out, continuing until water runs out of drainage holes at the bottom. Honestly, I don’t think there is much you can do besides wait and maybe transfer one offshoot to a vase of water to propagate it in case the rest of the plant dies. Their mix needs to drain quickly and stay well aerated even after a through soaking. További információért Blue star páfrány Phlebodium 'Blue Star' keresse fel a Bakker.com weboldalt. Like many other epiphytes, such as the Phalaenopsis orchid, blue star ferns don’t have to be repotted all that often. It’s on a west wall about a foot and a half from a north facing window, in a bathroom.
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